Where should we go? That was the question Karel and I asked ourselves.. Hmm *fires up google flight search and destinations* .. What's affordable for a student and someone who's on a tight budget?.. Scotland. Perfect! It's close by and just in our price range! That'll do. I book my flight and she books her train. We proceed to look up places to stay, or in the words of Karol "somewhere to lay our heads" since we don't plan to spend that much time indoors anyway.. And why should we when there's a great big world out there to explore! *Scrolls.. scrolls.. scrolls ..* Bingo! We've found it! Kick Ass Hostel (female dorm) it is! Right there smack dab in the City Centre, just within walking distance of most of the Historical Sites.. And most of all, right up our price street. Yay! .. We book our reservations. Done. Now time to sit back and wait for our travel date. The day arrives.. I get up super early, even though my flight is not until 12:30...