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Showing posts from February, 2016

¡Nuevos Comienzos!

How do you describe contentment? .. Is it by a specific feeling or thought or even action? .. I have no idea, I just know it's a mixture of all of those things! And so far, 2016 has been bliss! Not a word I use often, but as I try to find a word that sums up how I've been feeling so far, that's the one that comes to mind.  Yes... Bliss. I'm not one to put things out in the air, for fear of "jinxing" it, but I guess if I put positive energy out there then karma will be good. Right? (crosses fingers). Unexpected came and I've been so enthralled in it's presence that I've hardly had time to stop an process anything else around me.. There I was minding my own business and honestly not looking or expecting anything, as I said in my last post, zero expectations is how I like to live my life, because that way disappointment is neutralized. Hardly even noticed..  But in comes unexpected, in the form of a scale zodiac.. On a picture perfect Sunday...