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Showing posts from 2016

Unexpected Adventures

So, I think it's safe to say that I love random and unexpected things! I Just the thought that a conversation can lead to a trip gets my pulse racing, like it did when a spur of the moment decision lead me to the City of Manchester. As I boarded the train and took my seat next to the window, I was anxious and excited all at the same time. My two hours plus journey was about to start and I was looking forward it. I sat with my earphones in, the music drowning out the noise of the cabin as I watched the landscapes whisk by through the glass and thought: Isn't it amazing that just a few minutes ago I was in London and now, with a few hours to spare I'll be in a totally new city with the prospects of unknown adventures waiting ahead... An hour passes and I'm ready to be out of the train - I never much cared for long train rides and I'm starting to feel the effects of it.. Dizziness creeps in and I closed my eyes in an attempt to shut out the feeling.. Just a bit...

Let's Go Somewhere, AYE!

Where should we go? That was the question Karel and I asked ourselves.. Hmm *fires up google flight search and destinations* .. What's affordable for a student and someone who's on a tight budget?.. Scotland. Perfect! It's close by and just in our price range! That'll do. I book my flight and she books her train. We proceed to look up places to stay, or in the words of Karol "somewhere to lay our heads" since we don't plan to spend that much time indoors anyway.. And why should we when there's a great big world out there to explore! *Scrolls.. scrolls.. scrolls ..* Bingo! We've found it! Kick Ass Hostel (female dorm) it is! Right there smack dab in the City Centre, just within walking distance of most of the Historical Sites.. And most of all, right up our price street. Yay! .. We book our reservations. Done. Now time to sit back and wait for our travel date. The day arrives.. I get up super early, even though my flight is not until 12:30...

Hungry? Here's A Little Something!

I've been meaning to put out a new post, but I've been having some mental blockage recently, there's alot going on around me it's hard to focus on articulating a decent blog for my readers.. But hey, I'm here now so I'm going to give it a shot! So, I've moved from the island for a bit, decided to take a break and go live in the City for a bit. Yay! I love London. So many new places and faces to see!! The city gives off a vibe that I love. There's just something about it. Loud, fast, exciting! It's the kind of place that makes you think anything is possible! I've also found a new love. Cooking. :) .. I've always known how to, but didn't necessarily have to back home.. Living with your Mom does have some perks to it.. Some! Ha. I've been making a "Snap Diary" of all the things I've made so far, and I've been getting good feedback from persons who've been watching- Thanks guys- But as we all know, Snapchat...

¡Nuevos Comienzos!

How do you describe contentment? .. Is it by a specific feeling or thought or even action? .. I have no idea, I just know it's a mixture of all of those things! And so far, 2016 has been bliss! Not a word I use often, but as I try to find a word that sums up how I've been feeling so far, that's the one that comes to mind.  Yes... Bliss. I'm not one to put things out in the air, for fear of "jinxing" it, but I guess if I put positive energy out there then karma will be good. Right? (crosses fingers). Unexpected came and I've been so enthralled in it's presence that I've hardly had time to stop an process anything else around me.. There I was minding my own business and honestly not looking or expecting anything, as I said in my last post, zero expectations is how I like to live my life, because that way disappointment is neutralized. Hardly even noticed..  But in comes unexpected, in the form of a scale zodiac.. On a picture perfect Sunday...

Happy 2016

It's been a while since my last post, but here I am! .. HELLO 2016! I've  been anticipating you, wondering what you have in store for me.. A new chapter with pages to be filled.. It's always an exciting thought! How do I make this year better than last?  With this new year, like past new years, I always question, "Am I going to make myself a resolution?" and every time I think the answer is going to be yes,  I turn around and forget the question entirely. Why bother? Things never quite work out the way you want them to anyway.. Better to not set yourself for disappointment I always say! :) So I welcomed 2016 with open arms and zero expectations! 26 and still trying to figure this thing out! Life? That's what they call it! Yea, life..  So far, so good. The usual arguments with girlfriends and family, you know.. The norm. That didn't take very long! Hey, 2016 you're  already living up to my zero expectations!  OH!  *Insert that...