So, I think it's safe to say that I love random and unexpected things! I Just the thought that a conversation can lead to a trip gets my pulse racing, like it did when a spur of the moment decision lead me to the City of Manchester. As I boarded the train and took my seat next to the window, I was anxious and excited all at the same time. My two hours plus journey was about to start and I was looking forward it. I sat with my earphones in, the music drowning out the noise of the cabin as I watched the landscapes whisk by through the glass and thought: Isn't it amazing that just a few minutes ago I was in London and now, with a few hours to spare I'll be in a totally new city with the prospects of unknown adventures waiting ahead... An hour passes and I'm ready to be out of the train - I never much cared for long train rides and I'm starting to feel the effects of it.. Dizziness creeps in and I closed my eyes in an attempt to shut out the feeling.. Just a bit...